Weekly Humorist Magazine: Issue 364
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Issue 364
An Urgent Email from Tony Hinchcliffe’s Travel Agent
by Raj Tawney
Unfortunately, I've been unable to book you at another hotel in San Juan or all of Puerto Rico for that matter. Not even a Motel 6. Although you do have an offer from a Waste Management union in Puerto Rico who said they'd be "happy to offer you a smelly mattress in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean" with an offer to take you there by boat.
Central Park Defends Its Dry Spell
by Amy Currul
It's not you, it's me and too much built up atmospheric pressure.
How To Support Queer Folk During Election Season With Very Little Effort
by Cassie Soliday and Emily Knapp
Put a tiny rainbow flag in your pencil cup. And more.
I Have Been Silenced by The Media and I’m Not Going To Shut Up About It
by Emily Franz
Now that my YouTube channel has been demonetized, I’ve been completely muzzled, left only with my few million podcast subscribers, two New York Times bestsellers, and this Substack newsletter.
What Your Favorite MLB Mascot Says About You
by Briana Wipf
Dandy of the New York Yankees – You should just admit to having hair plugs (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
Buzzed Lightyear, Buffy the Vampire Layer, Puke Skywalker, and more #CrudeCostumes on this week's trending hashtag game!
Cartoons by
Marc Sauvé, Peter Kuper, Sarah Morrissette, Bob Eckstein.